Athletic Department Update: The following information is from MHSAA and the Jonesville Athletic Department
For Winter sports, the Council approved resuming practices on Dec. 9 if permitted by the MDHHS, with Winter competition to begin Jan. 4.
**Practice times and updated schedules will be posted when completed.
** JV/Varsity Boys basketball - Tryouts will be on December 9th, 10th and 11th - please make sure you have the appropriate paperwork (physical card/or MHSAA Health Survey Form and Assumption of Risk form) filled out before and turned into the office before December 9th **
**MS wrestling, MS Cheer, MS Girls basketball- If you are interested in participating on any of those teams please sign up in the MS office on Monday, November 23rd. Reminder that you MUST have physical on file or have filled out the MHSAA Health survey form to participate(this can only be used if you had a physical on file in the Athletic Department for the 2019-2020 school year) and you must fill out an Assumption of Risk form and return to the office before the first day of practice. All forms will be availabe in the office as of Monday, November 23rd.
** MS Boys Basketball - Updated information on your continuing the season will be posted by Monday, November 23rd.
If you have any questions please email Kathy Bondsteel at